Ten Great Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Successful Weight LossLosing Weight is a Matter of Simple Math… To drop pounds, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn.

The holidays are winding down and it’s time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions. One big one every year is often losing weight (especially after all those holiday goodies!). It can be tricky to eat right all the time, so setting up your kitchen for success is a great way to help. Here are ten tips you can use to keep your kitchen a diet-friendly zone.


Portion control is essential to help you lose weight. By having measuring cups out on the counter so you know exactly how much you are eating, you’ll be much more in control of your food.


When you are serving meals, try a smaller plate. Or, if you are in need of some new dishes anyway, purchase some dinnerware that doesn’t have the super-sized plate. Typically when we serve food we fill the plate up, so it only makes sense that if you have a smaller plate, you’ll give yourself a smaller serving. A smaller serving translates to fewer calories and therefore a better chance to start losing some weight.

Ten Great Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Successful Weight LossSooo True!


While cooking, cook a larger amount than just one serving. First, because there will be a lot more, you won’t be so tempted to finish off just that last little bit. Second, you’ll be able to store the leftovers and have healthier lunches all week long with ingredients you know.


Make sure you pack up those leftovers right away, so there won’t be any temptation to graze in the kitchen after you’ve finished your first serving.


When you do get some chips or crackers as a snack treat, divide out the servings based on recommended serving sizes or in 100 calorie portions and put them into containers so you won’t end up mindlessly eating half of the box during the big game.


Otherwise, just keep the unhealthy foods out of your house. If there isn’t a jumbo bag of potato chips in the pantry, you won’t be tempted to eat them and you would have to make an effort to go to the store and get some. Instead, check out the next tip for healthy snacking.

Ten Great Ways to Set Up Your Kitchen for Successful Weight Loss


Include large quantities of vegetables and fruits in your diet, and have them handy at all times. If you have fruit that can stay in a bowl on the counter, it makes them easier to snack on instead of candy or chips. Otherwise, you can have containers with pre-cleaned produce in them that are easy to pull out and munch on.


During the summer when fruits are so plentiful, buy in bulk and then freeze large portions to be able to use them later in the year when fruits are not so bountiful. They’ll be handy and available when you want them, and they will cost you less when bought during peak season.

You can also pre-make fruit smoothies and freeze them in a secure zip top bag. Then when you are ready to have one, just pull it from the freezer, let thaw just slightly, and enjoy!


Salads before dinner give you that boost of nutrition from vegetables and also fill you up so you won’t be as likely to eat too much of that alfredo pasta at dinner. If you have the refrigerator space, make up a huge salad and store it so all you have to do is grab some tongs and dish out a serving – or two! And, please don’t drown your salad in a heavy creamy dressing. Keep it light, to help keep you lighter, too.


It takes a bit of a concerted effort to set up your kitchen for success, but it’s also not as hard as it might seem. Try these out, and see if those pounds don’t just melt off!

Kitchen Cheats for Weight Loss


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