Is Maple Water the Next Drink Craze?

The jury may still be out on the effectiveness of so-called “incredible power beverages” like coconut water and birch tree water. Yet that hasn’t halted us from wanting to have what could be the next big craze in next-level hydration market.

Maple water, already a hit in Canada, is now coming to supermarket Trader Joe shelves in the U.S. So if coconut water isn’t wonderfully sufficient for you, this will likely do the trick.Watch All Girls Weekend (2016) Full Movie Online Streaming Online and Download

Like birch tree water which is tapped from birch trees, maple water is touched removed from maple trees. It’s basically tree sap in its pure liquid type prior to it being processed– right into the syrup we all love as well as enjoy– experiencing high tempertures.

Next Drink Craze...This Supermarket Bets Yes!

“Unreduced tree sap contains 98 % percent water as well as is substantially less thick. So when you consume it, you acquire an energizing sense of hydration, experiencing a great tip of mapley sweetness,” Trader Joe’s details on their blog site.

Sounds pretty good to us but how can a drink stemmed from maple really benefit you? From a calorie perspective and count, it in fact does better (lower count) than several coconut waters in the marketplace.

An 8.45 ounce container of Zico coconut water has 50 calories and 9 grams of sugar. An 8-ounce offering of Trader Joe’s new maple water has simply 25 calories experiencing 5 grams of sugar.

As with other Trader Joe’s products that they carry, this is basically a bargain. A 32-ounce container retails for a low price of $2.99. Bizzee finds that to be a bargain within the super water category for sure. As far as taste…Pick up a bottle so you can be the judge. Until you do you can check out a maple water review below:

Seva Maple Water Review