12 Top Tips to Lower Your Grocery Bills & Eat Healthy

6 Tips Here to Reduce Grocery Bill

6 Simple, Healthy Ways to Lower Your Food Bill

By Paula Pant

After housing and transportation, food is typically the third-largest expense for many American families. A recent Gallup poll shows that Americans spend an average of $151 a week on food ($7,852 a year). One of one of the fastest and easiest ways to reduce your food bill is by removing one of the most expensive ingredients from your meals: meat. Meat (particularly red meat) is a pricey addition to your meals. You don't have to turn into a full-blown vegetarian. Adopting a more vegetarian diet, sometimes known as flexitarian or semi-vegetarian, can still yield substantial savings and potentially improve your health.

The numbers make sense. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nationwide average price for ground beef is $4.23 a pound. USDA sirloin steak costs $8.19 a pound. Boneless ham costs $4.42 a pound, and chicken breast is $3.51 a pound…

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