Costa Rica is One of the World’s Healthiest Countries

Here are 7 Reasons Why.

There are 5 "Blue Zones" in the world where residents tend to live long, healthy lives...often to 100 years of age and older. One of these is in Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula...but in truth, this "healthiness" extends to the rest of the country, too.

It's no wonder that expats in Costa Rica report that they feel much better than they did before they moved here. Many say they've lost weight, lowered their blood pressure and cholesterol levels, feel better overall, and have far more energy than they did before.

It's really not that hard to figure out—life is just better in Costa Rica.

But here are 7 reasons why you, too, may see a significant improvement in your health if you should move to Costa Rica:

    The Climate. Better weather = more time outside. Sunshine and fresh air are good for you.

Live The Active Lifestyle

    You'll be more active. See reas…

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