Reasons You Should Be Drinking Water

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

Consuming lots of water is good for your health and wellness in even more methods than you can possibly imagine.

Your body needs water to function correctly as well as to stay clear of dehydration. It has no calories and also contains no sugars that could damage your teeth.

Drinking water likewise oils our eyes, aids food digestion and also eliminates waste and toxins from your body.

The NHS says that in environments such as ours, we should drink approximately six to eight glasses of water everyday to stop us from ever getting dehydrated. In hotter environments, where our sweat rate is boosted, we should consume even more water than that.

Illness or other health related issues can also cause our bodies to dry out (dehydration), so consuming water is essential throughout episodes of persistent throwing up and also diarrhea, or sweating from a fever. We need to replace what water we lose at any point during an ill…

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The Best Organic, All Natural Energy Drinks

My Top 4 Picks Top 9 Natural Energy Drinks

There are many ways we can boost our energy throughout the day. Opting for sugar laden, chemical and caffeine filled drinks will only give a short, unnatural burst of energy, wearing down our adrenal glands and contributing to serious long-term health problems. So instead of reaching for that can of Red Bull or Coca-Cola, why not give your body a natural energy boost with these delicious pick-me-ups. They’ll have you powering through your day without an energy crash!

1. Matcha Green Tea

Matcha is made from green tea leaves that contain L-Theanine and a small amount of naturally occurring caffeine (less than coffee!), both providing energy-boosting effects.   It helps to invigorate your metabolism gently lifting you without any energy slumps! Combine 1 cup of water, 1 teaspoon of organic pure maple syrup and 2 teaspoons of matcha powder. Mix well and enjoy hot or cold. 

2. Coco-Hydro Smoothie

Coconut water and…

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